A new way to learn Design Thinking in secondary education with AI chatbots.
An AI Assistant for Student-Led Design Teams
Welcome to the results page of the TAKO project, an innovative initiative funded by Erasmus+ aimed at teaching Design Thinking through an AI-driven chatbot. This project seeks to promote innovation, empathy, creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in secondary education.
Blog articles
The blog articles are written in Dutch and English. The titles below are shown in Dutch.
The TAKO project has resulted in a functional proof-of-concept chatbot that was tested in 15 schools with 271 students. This chatbot assists student teams in applying design methods to solve complex problems.The TAKO chatbot is freely available on our website.
For a detailed overview of the project results and activities, read our extended results & recommendations report.
Additional resources
Revisit the final event: This is a look back at our concluding event, which shared the highlights and learning experiences from the project.
Download the TAKO Design Document: Contains all requirements, features, and research backgrounds.
Get Started with the TAKO Source Code: Visit our GitLab repository to access the code and continue building on our work.
Download Our Onboarding Lesson and Video: Prepare for using TAKO with our instructional materials.
Network on Our eTwinning Space: Join our community of educators and researchers.
The TAKO project was a turning point for us, allowing us to delve deeper into the application of AI in education and significantly strengthening our capacity in design thinking. This project serves as a starting point for future innovations and collaborations.
As we continue building on the lessons learned from TAKO, we plan to expand the chatbot further and explore new project avenues to enhance its impact in educational settings.
I like to know more about TAKO
Are you a teacher, school, or expert interested in fostering innovation, empathy, creativity, and problem-solving skills in upper secondary education? TAKO aims to create a low-barrier-to-entry solution for students to learn Design Thinking while providing additional facilitation support for teachers in the classroom. Our cutting-edge chatbot will guide students through the Design Thinking process, helping them navigate and select the most suitable method for tackling complex challenges.
We are seeking enthusiastic teachers, schools, and experts to collaborate on this transformative journey. Together, we can make a lasting impact on how students approach problem-solving and unlock their full creative potential.
Are you interested in using TAKO and unlocking the creative potential of students? Please fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Our partners
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme under project number 2022-2-NL01-KA210-SCH-000099521 . The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.