Organize your hybrid hackathon on food waste
The #EduFoodHack project aims to develop and disseminate expertise on conducting a hybrid learning experience in a European context, specifically a hackathon on reducing food waste.
Key results
The key results include the development of a playbook and hackathon content materials, training for teachers, and the facilitation of a hybrid hackathon for students. The project also aims to address geographical, cultural, and technical barriers to increase access to a hackathon experience.
Playbook and support materials
The public availability of the playbook and support materials on a web app/site will serve as a hub for teachers to connect and find partner schools to run a #EduFoodHack together. The evaluation report of the first hybrid hackathon will be published, and a final online dissemination event tailored for European teachers and educational researchers will promote participation in a #EduFoodHack.
Online info session on September 18
Join our online info session on September 18 from 16u - 16u45 CET to ask all your questions about participating in the first #edufoodhack. Teachers and school leaders are welcome.
October 2023 – Training for teachers and/or schools who want to organize and participate in the Hackathon #EduFoodHack
20 - 22 November 2023 – The first #EduFoodHack hackathon takes place in The Netherlands and Spain simultaneously. The main participants are upper-secondary education students.
February 2024 – Final event of the #EduFoodHack programme and presentation of the playbook and the final #EduFoodHack website.
Join the #EduFoodHack…
… and be part of the solution to reduce food waste! This hybrid hackathon brings together students from upper secondary education in Spain and the Netherlands to collaborate, create, and solve problems related to food waste. Teachers, are you interested in providing your students with an innovative and multilingual learning experience? Participate in our training and receive a playbook that guides you through the hackathon process. Students, are you ready to use your creativity and critical thinking to tackle a real-life problem? Sign up to participate in the #EduFoodHack and develop solutions that matter. Don't miss this opportunity to make a positive impact on the environment and society!
I like to know more…
If you would like to participate or if you would like more information, please fill in the form below.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme under project number 2022-2-NL01-KA210-SCH-000099271. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.